Monday, October 6, 2008

How did we bring up our kids without a computer?

Now that the initial shock at becoming a grandma is beginning to fade, I decided to google "early pregnancy" and was amazed at the detail I was able to find.

For those of you interested in the development of my yet to be born grandchild - here's where we are at:

Week 6: The neural tube closes

Your baby at week six (four weeks after conception)
Growth is rapid this week. Just four weeks after conception, your baby is about 1/8 of an inch long. The neural tube along your baby's back is now closed, and your baby's heart is beating with a regular rhythm.
Basic facial features will begin to appear, including an opening for the mouth and passageways that will make up the inner ear. The digestive and respiratory systems begin to form as well.
Small blocks of tissue that will form your baby's connective tissue, ribs and muscles are developing along your baby's midline. Small buds will soon grow into arms and legs.

Week 7: The umbilical cord appears

Your baby at week seven (five weeks after conception)
Seven weeks into your pregnancy, your baby is 1/3 of an inch long — a little bigger than the top of a pencil eraser. He or she weighs less than an aspirin tablet.
The umbilical cord — the link between your baby and the placenta — is now clearly visible. The cavities and passages needed to circulate spinal fluid in your baby's brain have formed, but your baby's skull is still transparent.
The arm bud that sprouted last week now resembles a tiny paddle. Your baby's face takes on more definition this week, as a mouth perforation, tiny nostrils and ear indentations become visible.

So, I ask you, how did we bring up our kids without a computer (or a microwave, or a DVR or a Nintento WII........) Yes, I am old enough to say I heated my first born's bottle in a pot of water on the stove!!!

1 comment:

caryl said...

Ouch. Turning 50 and becoming a grandma about the same time. That's gotta hurt. But, you WILL be a young grandma, so that's cool.