Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Red light, green light, 1 2 3

On the rare occasion that I don't get stuck for a red light, I always feel like my dad is somehow making them turn green for me. He always claimed that he never made a light, ever! The traffic light God would see him coming miles away and make the light turn red - every time. I certainly inherited his misfortune in that department. That is, until I actually wanted the light, any light, to turn red. Case in point - this morning, already a couple of minutes late leaving for work when I remembered I MUST stop at the ATM. I pull up to the drive through ATM - make my withdrawal. To save a precious few seconds, I drive away with $20 bills and my ATM card sprawled across the front seat. No big deal, I'll put everything away at the red light. NOT!!! There are 6 traffic lights between the bank and my office. NOT one of them was red - not one!! I guess dad was trying to tell me - bad idea to drive with 20's sprawled across the front seat. (Or is it my mom's voice I hear??)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

maybe a little bit of both!