Sunday, June 21, 2009

Make new friends but keep the old...

I am pleased to report that most of the dogs I've written about in the past few weeks have gone home. It's wonderful for them - but it takes a bit of getting used to when we expect to see them and they are gone, without saying good bye. Our little friend Sprite, the cocker spaniel with the wiggly butt, is still there:

And then, there's Byron: He is only 7 weeks old. A lab mix. He and his sister, Catalina, share a kennel and the only way to tell them apart is to look at, well, you know!! We had him out for several minutes, thinking it was Catalina, until he rolled over to get his belly scratched and, what a surprise!!! As you can see in a couple of the pictures, he was a bit intimidated and not very sure of the leash. Also, walking on pavement was a problem, he much preferred the grass. For a special bonus, this week, my step son was able to join us on our walk:

Remember - if you or anyone you you know is interested in adoption,


1 comment:

BellaBlueEyes said...

I want the little black one, Except I want him to stay that small.. Haha