Saturday, May 30, 2009

Here's walking with you, dog!

We had our last training session today. We are now official Volunteer "Green" dog walkers. (I can't remember if I previously explained the color code) but "green" dogs are the most docile, have no or very little issues and are easiest to walk. Today's walkers were Jani:

Jani is mostly Jack Russell Terrior and extremely hyper! It took a good 10 minutes to get her to stop jumping and start walking; but, once she started her walk she was just adorable! Very sweet - I'm sure someone loving family will scoop her up by the next time we go back.

And Jermaine:

Jermaine is some kind of mutt (can't remember). He is very sweet but has a slight neurological disorder. Any family who wants to adopt him will be put through a vigorous background check; but I'm sure he would be very happy to have a loving home. A great time was had by all!!

Oh yes, remember a couple of months ago, I spoke about Nalla (one of the retirees?) Well, here's my girl:

Oh how I would love to take her home!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All very cute but, of course, Jani is my personal favorite!!!