Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Remember static radio?

If you have about 20 minutes to spare check out this tribute to NYC radio. I did and it brought me way back. From Centereach pool,to babysitting next door on Astor Court,to my folks' kitchen and my dad's car on the way to the bowling alley on Sunday mornings, to the garage and all the pool parties, remembering when my brother won the WMCA Good Guys sweatshirt, to mom (with a cigarette even!)cleaning the house, and Rusti begging for some peanut butter at the kitchen table, to the basement and the black couches....whatever the memories are for you and wherever they bring you - it's nice to go back sometimes.
Once again - thanks to my brother for sending it to me:
http://wlso.fm/wordpress/archives/tag/bobaloo - I can't get the link to come out clickable, but if you copy and paste this into your browser you will get to the page - read the article and then click on the arrow to hear the radio clips.......... it's worth your time if you have a nostalgic heart.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is a test - can you read my comment?