Tuesday, February 10, 2009

For my animal lovers.......

For those of you who do not know what Bideawee is, you can cut and paste this link into your browser, you can see and hear all about Bideawee.


On March 28, I will be attending a volunteer orientation/training. I am very excited about the opportunity to be around animals, especically the dogs.

I actually told them on my application that my first dog was adopted from there back in 1971! I'm not sure if that's why they accepted my application or not - but, I am so looking forward to it!!

I hope you check it out and let me know what you think.


Anonymous said...

i too am an animal lover. i have been involved with greyhound rescue for years (i have 3 of my own) and i have organized many fund raisers for local animal shelters! way to go lori - i knew there was something VERY special about you!

Gramzof3 said...

aw, i'm blushing - thanks, Deb.