Monday, December 21, 2009

Over two feet

In case any of you don't know what "over two feet of snow" looks like, or have been in Florida so long, you don't remember, or have been in Florida not that long, but still don't remember, or have been in a different southern state, or just want to rub it in my face cause you know how much I HATE THIS,took a look at this:

Now, do you feel sorry for me? I didn't think so.


Anonymous said...

OK, it would suck to have to get to your car in this to go to work.

But it is kinda pretty. :-) All we have here are dead lawns.

Gramzof3 said...
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Gramzof3 said...

There are many adjectives to describe the snow...cold, wet, slippery, dirty, messy, yellow...nope, not pretty, not even a little. Under all the cold, wet, slippery, dirty, messy, yellow snow guess what we have? Yep - dead lawns! 88 days til spring!!

Anonymous said...

When Juliana gets a little older and can play in it Im sure she will have sooo much fun!!!

Gramzof3 said...

I wish my anonymous commentors would sign their names, so I would know to whom I am responding. That being said, I can't imagine Juliana will ever be in the snow. Her native born Floridian blood will be way too thin!! I'm sure the only time she'll be up north is in the summer!

Deb said...

At least you have a place to park your car! If I park on the street, I block the road. Did I mention what a lousy job they did plowing???(and I generally love the snow - in much smaller doses). Has anyone seen Sprocket or Harpo? I let them out over the weekend and occasionally see long floppy black ears bouncing up through the snow drifts...

Gramzof3 said...

I think they're trying to make their way over to Auntie L's house!!!