Saturday, December 12, 2009

Frozen puddles

Becky, a 24 year old woman from Medford, Long Island was missing for 4 days. The police found her body, after she had been stabbed, burning on the side of a road in Connecticut, not too far from Foxwoods Casino. Unfortunately, the news has stories like these more often than I would like to admit. This time; however, it is different. This time, my son, Justin, knew her. Many of his friends were her friends. Most of the young folks interviewed on the news, I remember from his school days. Justin hasn't been back to New York for about 2 1/2 years. What a horrible thing to come back for.

The puddles in the street have all frozen over. Much like the heart of Becky's murderer. The one that used to beat in Becky's mom, has probably melted for good. Rest in peace, Becky...


Anonymous said...

how horrible - there just aren't words for something like this.
- mom

Anonymous said...

How awful. My heart goes out to Becky's family.


Anonymous said...

such a terrible way to go...are there any leads yet? any new information?


Gramzof3 said...

I haven't heard anything, I will watch the news carefully. Last I heard is that the suspect is tormenting the family by sending text messages from Becky's phone. It's absolutely appalling.