It's official. I have the grandma glow. Someone stopped me in the hallway at work the other day and started asking questions about my son and daughter in law and how she is feeling and how is the baby, etc. I answered all the questions and as I was walking back to my office I realized that I was grinning from ear to ear. Couldn't wipe the smile off my face. Not only am I excited about becoming a grandma, but I'm excited that the kids are becoming parents, my older son will be an uncle, my husband will be a step grandpa (LOL), my mom will be a great grandma, well, I think I've made my point. Then, today, in my email were these treasures.....

It has been decided that she has Vanessa's round cheeks, Justin's chin, and the jury is still out on the eyes!!

She definitely has an over dramatic personality (thus the hand on the head) which I believe comes from both mom and dad!!
Look closely, she is sticking out her little tongue!!!
Oh. Em. Gee.!! I can't believe those pictures. That's amazing. I keep saying I'm so sick of my own kids that I hope I don't get grandkids for a while, BUT that blog post gave ME a bit of a glow.
Very nice.
Aw, thanks Caryl! Today's technology really is mind boggling. I can't wait to meet her.
amazing indeed!!! It is a true miracle. thanks for sharing her with her great aunt!! I can't wait to meet her are all very blessed. and by the way..I see NO tongue in that last looks like a foot to me....get it straight Ragin!!
love to you all....Great Aunt Kathy
LOL - I thought it looked like a foot at first, too. Then Justin explained that it would have been a foot the size of a 5 year old's. Look again at the "foot" trace it upwards and you will see it's really and arm, over her head. Look at where the face is, find the lips and look closely - very closely - there's the tongue sticking out.......
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