That's what "white" used to represent to me - the period of time between the unofficial start of summer and the unofficial end of summer, during which it was fashionally acceptable to don white shoes and a white pocketbook. I used to love "white" and what it represented. Now, as I described in yesterday's post, it just reminds me of snow and cold. Since I'm suffering with a sinus headache today which models the pain of an axe splitting apart my head over and over again, I decided to stay home. My right eye was nearly swollen shut this morning, but thankfully, that has subsided. Anyhow, sick or not, my little birdies who are too stupid to migrate south to get away from this "white" still have to eat. I tried to capture them, but alas, I suck as a photographer, and only got a shot of one (not a great shot either):

I also tried to get a shot of them at the birdfeeder (which is my neighbor's) but I missed:

Here's yet another example of why I detest "white" now:

And here's what we have to look forward to for the next several days:

And finally, this is what I think about every second of every minute of every hour of day of every week of every month of this *&^%#@* winter:
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