Bona fide thanks to Glen for coming up with the scheme to get the birthday boy out of the house (not so loving the condition you brought him back in, though!) so we could get all the decorations up and make all the other preparations, and for keeping the secret for as long as you did. I couldn't have done it without you.
A heartfelt thank you to "Momma" for hosting the party in the beautifully-just-finished basement. What a great way to "Christen" the place. Thank you also for all the help in ordering the food and the cake. (Thank you for the cake, too!)
Copious thanks to my brother-in-law, Rob, not only for helping with the preparations and the hiding of the cars, but for being the only one who could get me out of my stressed out stupor and back to some sense of sanity! Thanks also for the absolutely best karaoke I've ever heard and that includes the cruise ship. Seriously, ladies and gentlmen, I think we may have discovered Pennsylvania's very own next American Idol!
Unfeigned thanks to the millionth power to Janice and Kenny. Not only did they travel 250 miles to be there; but their love and friendship is truly the kind you rarely find. Thanks for all the help with the preparations and all the things I borrowed. Thank you so very much for preservation of all the memories, by taking all the pictures. They truly are priceless! Kenny, unfortunately, you may not be the next American Idol; however, I do believe that if Frank Sinatra were alive today, he would indeed have some competition! Janice, thanks for finally, finally letting me pay the bill for once! That means more to me than you'll ever know! (Because, as you know, it's not about the money, it's about "winning the arguement!") I couldn't be more proud of me!
Hugs and kisses to my step-son, Josh, who sacrificed a hunting day to be at his Dad's party! Also thanks for doing "Hotel California" with me on the Karaoke machine, it was tons of fun! (You need to sing a bit louder though!)
Genuine thanks to my sister-in-law, Catherine, and her husband, Mike, for being a part of the celebration and bringing some of the refreshments. Catherine, your laughter is one of a kind, quite contagious, and truly one of life's most precious gifts. I love being around you.
Honorable mention to my Uncles-in-law, Tally and Boxy, for letting me prove to them that it's not about the presents, but it's all about the presence! Both of you being there meant the world to me.
Smoochy love kisses to Midnight and Daisy for treating the company like family members.
And last but not least, Happy birthday, Wiggles! Thank you for making me feel like I'm the one who is ten years younger!! Thank you also for all the sacrafices you've made for me. (You know what I'm talking about.) They truly are appreciated. I love you.
P.S. For those of you who could not make it - I am sorry you missed the party. A great time was had by all and you were in my thoughts...
P.P.S. To cousins Lori, Mike and Chris - it was the sweetest thing in the world to come over the next day since you couldn't be at the party. It was so much fun spending a few hours with you guys. I'm still trying to figure out which one of you makes me laugh the most.......
Don't forget - click on the pictures to enlarge...


looks like it was a good time had by all. sorry i missed it..when I grow up i am going to buy a car i can drive to other states....
love you mr wiggles....I will get you on your real birthday...thanks for the invite...
It would have been neat to have been there to see his expression! I can't believe now he is as old as I am...LOL. Growing up, he was always my younger brother. Now, I can officially say, he is my older brother. It has truly been a blessing to have continued our relationship. Our family is small but our hearts are big!! Love you guys and look forward to seeing you the day after Christmas.
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