The Three Who Died: Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett, Ed McMahon
Along with the rest of the world, I'm stunned.....
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Father's Day
I remember Father's Days past from 1995 until last year as a day that I dreaded. My dad was gone, so I was envious of everyone who still had one. I couldn't stand seeing Father's Day cards out of the corner of my eye if I was shopping for a different type of card. My own kids hadn't seen their biological father in a long time. Most of my friends had lost their fathers as well. Basically it was just a depressing day. Today is the first Father's Day that my father in law isn't here. It's sad. It's difficult. It's unfair. He and my dad are very much in my thoughts. Flashes of things that both of them have said to me have been drifting in and out of my head all day. I'll keep those sentiments to myself. But, sad as that may be, I must look ahead and wish a happy Father's Day to my son, the expectant daddy! Life sure does toy with one's emotions, doesn't it?
Make new friends but keep the old...
I am pleased to report that most of the dogs I've written about in the past few weeks have gone home. It's wonderful for them - but it takes a bit of getting used to when we expect to see them and they are gone, without saying good bye. Our little friend Sprite, the cocker spaniel with the wiggly butt, is still there:

And then, there's Byron: He is only 7 weeks old. A lab mix. He and his sister, Catalina, share a kennel and the only way to tell them apart is to look at, well, you know!! We had him out for several minutes, thinking it was Catalina, until he rolled over to get his belly scratched and, what a surprise!!! As you can see in a couple of the pictures, he was a bit intimidated and not very sure of the leash. Also, walking on pavement was a problem, he much preferred the grass. For a special bonus, this week, my step son was able to join us on our walk:

Remember - if you or anyone you you know is interested in adoption,
And then, there's Byron: He is only 7 weeks old. A lab mix. He and his sister, Catalina, share a kennel and the only way to tell them apart is to look at, well, you know!! We had him out for several minutes, thinking it was Catalina, until he rolled over to get his belly scratched and, what a surprise!!! As you can see in a couple of the pictures, he was a bit intimidated and not very sure of the leash. Also, walking on pavement was a problem, he much preferred the grass. For a special bonus, this week, my step son was able to join us on our walk:
Remember - if you or anyone you you know is interested in adoption,
Sunday, June 14, 2009
My Little Chickadee (and I don't mean WC Fields!)
Thanks to my friend, Debbie and her daughter, Melanie - I had chickadees eating out of the palm of my hand!! What a fun day - walking through a nature preserve in Nyack - on the north side of the south shore of Long Island. On the way back, we met up with momma turkey and her seven , yes seven babies! There were plenty of chipmunks running rampant as well. They were adoreable. Of course we named all of them either "Chip" or "Dale!"
Also seen, but not captured on the camera, were a bunny, many cardinals (both males and females, they came up very close to us, but will not eat out of your hand), catbirds, sparrows and plovers. (Boy I learned a lot about birds - thanks, Deb). I think we may have heard a woodpecker or two, but did not see them. That's ok, though - I see those everyday at our birdfeeder.
A fun day was had:

Also seen, but not captured on the camera, were a bunny, many cardinals (both males and females, they came up very close to us, but will not eat out of your hand), catbirds, sparrows and plovers. (Boy I learned a lot about birds - thanks, Deb). I think we may have heard a woodpecker or two, but did not see them. That's ok, though - I see those everyday at our birdfeeder.
A fun day was had:

Saturday, June 13, 2009
Saturday Morning Bide A Wee Update
This is Jani - who I wrote about a couple of weeks ago. I thought for sure she would have "gone home" by now, but alas, she was still there. Still sweeter than ever. Still loves to be out. Still jumps higher than any dog I've ever seen. I would swear there are little trampolines on her feet!!
Remember Manee? Well today, we walked her sister, Mali, who had "gone home" for a while, but unfortunately, came back. She is very exciteable and although she is so big already, she still is a puppy. Once again, hubby uttered those words "if I could bring you home I would, oh yes I would...!!"
And last, but not least, this is Mike. He is a baby and is still in "holding" so we could not take him out. Maybe next week. Talk about "puppy eyes....."
Interested in adopting one of these or any others -
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Drowning in a sea of pink
Dresses and pjs and shoes - oh my!
5 months to go and already I can't stop shopping!
Yep - this grandma thing is definitely awesome.
(I think "Gramps" is having fun with it too!)
5 months to go and already I can't stop shopping!
Yep - this grandma thing is definitely awesome.
(I think "Gramps" is having fun with it too!)
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Puppy uppers and doggie downers
Back to Bide A Wee we went today - our first time solo. We brought out Sprite - she is a cocker spaniel who epitomizes the word "spunky." Sweet as can be, she never stops wagging her tail, even while she walks. We wanted to take her into the pen and let the leash off, but it was occupied (volunteers are not allowed to let their dogs mingle with other dogs - it's a safety thing). We had a nice walk and then brought her back. Next we took out Cleo. Talk about the difference between night and day. Poor Cleo is so timid that she didn't even want to walk. She had to be bribed with treats just to get her to take some steps. Eventually, we made it all the way out and I was pretty proud of us that we did. It seems she was abused before finding her way to Bide A Wee and therefore, she's afraid of her own shadow. We did a good thing today. On the way out we saw a huge litter of puppies, but alas, the hubby had to go to work so we couldn't stay. "That's ok, we'll see them next week, he said." "Yea, right - they'll be adopted by the time we get back," I told him. That's ok though, isn't that what's it's all about? Sorry, no pictures today, but if you or anyone you know is interested in learning more about pet adoption or Bide A Wee - check it out:
P.S. - Went shopping last night with the hubby - came home with lots of pink things on teeny hangers............OMG so much fun!!
P.S. - Went shopping last night with the hubby - came home with lots of pink things on teeny hangers............OMG so much fun!!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
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